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Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Netizens: A New and Nauseating Era of Fandom

**Disclaimer** This post maybe unsuitable for the young and faint of heart. If you are any of these, please stop reading this post. Also, I do not in any way support these fans and their methods of getting noticed by their favorite idol. There are many ways of supporting that are safer and that will not gross them out (and the rest of us for that matter). Check your country’s website for ways of supporting your favorite idol.

“Of all that is written, I love only what a person has written with his own blood”

An 1800’s quote by philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche is reigning true amongst a few Korean netizens a hundred and thiry years later.

Within the last two weeks Taecyeon from 2PM, Lee Joon from MBLAQ and Hongki
from F.T. Island all have received the crimson declarations of love from infatuated fans.

It started off with Taecyeon’s letter; written by a female hottest. The girl wanted to prove her undying love and affection to him by sending him the letter written with her…well I‘ll let the girl‘s quote explain:

‘I dedicate to Taecyeon my period blood letter. Ok Taecyeon, You cannot live without me. Sprinkled with a few strands of my pubes’.

About a week later, Lee Joon’s fan letter; written by a female A+; emerged. This girl, apparently “shamed” by the last girls letter, dangerously slit her wrist and stated:

"ㅋㅋ What up with Ok Taecyeon period letter? If you're gonna do one, at least do it right ㅋㅋ How dirty. Period blood? Act your age ㅜㅜㅋ Don't do that, but do it right. Do it right. Copying that ajumma who wrote that period letter."

Now as of yesterday, word has come out that Hongki also received a letter from a female primadonna. Were not sure exactly the reasoning behind this letter, but a lot of people are speculating it’s based on the old “15 minutes of fame” adage. The fan’s method of writing the letter was by pricking her finger and using the blood from her finger to write the letter. Still incredibly dangerous and gross, although not as bad as the other two, The girl wrote a simple note saying:

"Lee Honki, you know that I love you right?"

Within the last year we’ve seen the netizen do and say some crazy things (i.e., Jaebeom), but this just takes the cake. When will the insanity stop? Stuff like this is not going to make your favorite idol like you even more, if anything, it’s going to get you a court- orderd restraining order and/or an insane amount of equally crazed fans raiding your personal site with hate mail and death threats. Sending fan mail is a good way to show your support, but please (for all of us), if you’re going to do that…use a pen.

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